Hi All,
I didnt know i gonna post another blog so fast..well...but somehow, i have the urge to share with the readers of some of the things that has happened last couple of week...=)
As usual, our team organised the Cash Flow game by Robert Kiyosaki, the author of rich dad and poor dad at MPH bookstore @ Mid Valley...The objective is to buildup our clientele and educate people on how to manage their wealth in order to reach the financial freedom..i would say we did it quite successful, me and my partner was facilitating the game busily and honestly its very tiring cos u have to maintain th high energy level all the time to make sure and the players are enthusiatic and with us all the time..cracking some stupid jokes, bullying other players is a must, and it reflects the real life situation...robert kiyosaki says: Investment is a team sport, you gotta constantly looking on how to leverage on other people in order to reach the financial freedom together..how true is this statement is!!!!and when you speak poor and you wil getting poorer and poorer...=)
Yesterday, i have received one email from the winner of that day..there you go..
**Dear Loo Hoon Chuan,
Greetings from Davao City, Philippines!
Thank you very much for the financial education your team had imparted on us when we were on holiday in Kuala Lumpur. Me and my wife were there at the right time and the right place. The cashflow game taught us the importance of clearing debts, investing wisely, increasing passive income and above all winning through achieving financial freedom in a span of two hours!
More power to you and your team!
Best regards,Anthony and Yuriyo Erojo
Davao City, Philippines**
When i read this email, inwardly,i felt suddenly become very rich and living in th life of abundance..it is not about the money issues or whatever issues, but, it is the inner happiness that i am able to make a difference and touched a person's live. I feel so great and fabulous!!!=)
Everyday, when we read the newspaper, we will definitely see some headlines like ''owing loan shark money, bankrucy, credit card debts and etc the list will never come to an end..'' this implies that they do not have a proper financial planning for themselves..they are out there living in the material lifestyle just to impress people without that kind of earning power and ability especially youngster nowadays...as a saying goes ''financial freedom is not about lifestyle but rather it is how you live your life; its not how much you earn but it's how much you save that's matter!!!" how true is this statement is=)Financial Planning is not about buying piece meal products but it is at different stage of your life requires different kind of planning..family income funding,estate planning funding and etc......if you need advice,please make an appointment with me =) 'blek'...ahahhaha...
For continued education please go to : www.thomasthecoach.com
meantime,you guys take care of yourself and god bless!!!